Whether it’s referred to as July 4th, Independence Day, The Fourth of July or (colloquially) as “America’s Birthday”, the sentiment remains the same. It is…
As readers drive around town, most are generally in a hurry to get to their destination. Little time is available to ponder the past while…
Great guessing! There are a lot of houses that look similar to this house but they are all slightly different. The house was the home…
This week’s mystery photo is Franklin St. looking Eastward toward Melrose. We had a few correct answers. The winners are Jeanne Craigie, Jim McLaughlin, Joanne…
Today’s Stoneham Mystery Photo was located at the corner of Pearl Street & Franklin Street. Congratulations to all of the winning guesses including: Debbie and…
Joe Donohue with the correct guess of “around 1919.” The clue in the photo is the fire station which was built in 1916. Congratulations, Joe…
The answer to this week’s mystery photo is…….Sunnyside Farms! Sunnyside Farms was run by Fred Jones for many years in the early 1900’s. Notice the…
The vintage Stoneham photo is of the old dump on Franklin Street near Stevens Street!
The answer to this week’s photo quiz is “Emerson Street looking East.” The lucky winner is Kristine Toomey–again! Congratulations!
The photo was taken at corner of Spring and Bow St.–address 1 Bow St. The individuals in the photo are Eliza and Jesse Green. The…