Celebrating 100 years of preserving Stoneham History
Stoneham Historical Society & Museum
Events News & Articles
Wishing everyone a happy 2023. This year, our lineup includes a variety of special exhibits, speakers on a wide array of historical topics, as well as additional Museum-related activities. Stop by and check our “rejuvenated” Museum at one or all of our upcoming events. In addition, the Museum is open on the third Sunday of each month from 2-4 PM.
As always, our events are free and open to the public. However, we encourage all who frequently enjoy our programs to become a paid member, which allows us to continue to offer new and exciting programs!
See All EventsVisit our Gift Shoppe
Shop Local! You can shop online or explore a range of other merchandise available only in person, including books, medals, collectible milk bottles, handmade quilts, and greeting cards during our monthly open houses and meetings.
Come Visit Us!
Please Note: We are closed for January and February 2023 as we do some internal work and exhibit updates. Please visit us in March.
The Society holds its meetings on the second Thursday in March, April, May, June, September, October and November. The meetings are open to the public. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. to give people a chance to browse the museum. A short business meeting starts at 7:15 p.m. followed by a guest speaker. Visitors are welcome.
The Society also holds an open house on the 3rd Sunday of each month. In April, we open the doors for our annual Research Day. Always available at this time is our collection of Town Directories dating back to the mid and late 1800’s for those who are interested in researching the history of their homes. At this Open House, we select one of our collections to showcase for the public in addition to our regular museum exhibits.
When possible, our museum can also be opened to visitors by special request.
The Stoneham Historical Society Museum
Our museum collection includes many unique artifacts, documents, newspapers and thousands of photographs relating to Stoneham’s past. We appreciate the many generous donations from local institutions and private citizens that have made it so remarkable. We encourage those who are interested in seeing our collection to visit us during our Open House days or make an appointment to tour the museum.